Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Sydney, February 10 2021: After the sh*t show that was 2020, there’s nothing like looking to the cosmic powers above to get as much insight into what 2021 holds. Most of us are all over our star...
Sydney, January 25 2021: ‘Music makes the people come together’. Who said that? That’s right, Madonna. And, as we know, anything this enduring cultural icon says instantly becomes gospel...
Sydney Australia, Dec 8, 2020 — 2020 might have felt like a bin fire, but Tinder members didn’t write it off. In an unprecedented year, when faced with new obstacles, Tinder members adapted...
Our team is constantly working to make Tinder a safer and more trusted place to meet new people. And while our team usually operates a bit more behind-the-scenes, we recognize that providing...
Violent offenders have no place in our physical or online communities. We are outraged that anyone, anywhere may experience fear, abuse, or violence when looking to meet someone special, and we...