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  • Breaking the ice has never been easier. We know it’s not always easy to express yourself with just words. That’s why we’ve taken the necessary steps to let you be you, because being witty,...

    17 July 2018
  • UPDATE: We're thrilled to share that the Unicode Consortium unanimously passed our proposal for interracial emojis during its meeting this July. Next step: the vote for final approval in January 2019! If you haven't already, please take the time to join more than 50,000 people who have signed our petition so that we can better #RepresentLove.

    Show your love for emojis and support interracial couples There’s no question that the universal language of the digital age are emojis. It’s how we green-light plans, how we call you out on...

    17 July 2018
  • UPDATE: Top Picks is available to all members worldwide on iOS and Android devices.

    Swipe on featured profiles of the day - picked just for you. We know there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but let’s be honest, you want to zero in on the ones that suit your taste and are most...

    22 June 2018
  • Can’t stop. Won’t stop. It all started with the swipe—that fun, simple movement that changed the way people meet. Now we’ve got a whole new experience that’s really going to set your...

    04 April 2018
  • We’ve got work to do. This has been a year of marches. Of voices being heard. Of justice and outcries and coming together. Women are uniting in the fight for equal pay, equal treatment, and...

    08 March 2018